Sexo Talk – How to Build Intimacy in the Bedroom


Sex is the trait that determines whether an organism reproduces sexually, producing either male or female gametes. Male plants and animals produce small mobile gametes while females produce larger non-motile gametes.

Sexocorporel is a therapeutic-sexological approach which offers practical and effective means of improving sexual experience and action, both individually and within relationships. It relies on accurate knowledge of sexuality combined with scientific approaches to treatment.


Sex is an irresistibly seductive quality or trait which defines sexual interactions among two or more individuals. Loving someone is not something to dismiss lightly or disdain as frivolous; rather it is essential for living a fulfilling and healthy life – and can even be the deciding factor between two people in relationships or marriages. Definitions of sexuality can be intricate, as it encompasses an expansive or circumscribed condition that covers everything from entomological, psychological and physiological factors – both overt and hidden – from its more obvious manifestations to less evident cases. Human microbiomes are fascinating ecosystems composed of fascinating recursive processes that serve as the backbone for life on Earth. Botany and zoology both use this process, with functions including sexual selection – the latter of which refers to choosing male or female partners – being among their core services. Arousal plays an integral part of this cycle as well, making this an interesting process in its own right.


Though sexuality is a widespread part of human existence, its origin remains a source of fascination for many people. One aspect that many find perplexing and mysterious regarding its development is „sexualization”.

Since ancient times, sexual discourse has provided fertile ground for creative mythmaking (mythopoiesis). Unfortunately, without tangible proof that shows its beginnings it is often difficult to be certain where sex began.

Sexual reproduction has a rich, multibillion-year history that spans billions of years and involves several distinct but interlinked themes.

First, this research addresses the early forms of sexual reproduction among single-celled organisms such as bacteria. These early forms involve biological mixing and matching on a molecular level whereby DNA molecules from one organism exchange their genetic material with another organism – an activity thought to have first evolved among bacteria as gene transfer as well as other prokaryotic organisms.

Animals, plants, fungi and protists possess more complex reproductive mechanisms than earlier forms of sexual reproduction found in bacteria; meiotic reproduction results from the intricate act of splicing and mending DNA molecules in an intricate fashion.

Second, it focuses on maintaining sexual intimacy over time. How sex survives in such an unpredictable and competitive environment remains an intriguing mystery.

Numerous theories have been proposed to explain the creation and maintenance of sexual behavior, including:

The most favored explanation for the origins of sexuality is homologous recombination – a process by which damaged DNA in diploid organisms is repaired through heterologous recombination.

Considered essential to early microorganism’s survival, DNA repair may have allowed diploid organisms to deal with environmental stresses while simultaneously potentially leading to later forms of protozoa developing sexual reproduction.

Other scientists often challenge this viewpoint, believing that sexual reproduction may produce alleles that are less favorable for survival in an ever-evolving environment. Since reproduction prevents genes from duplicating themselves too rapidly, and as soon as environments shift quickly enough, previously neutral or deleterious alleles may become advantageous over time.


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Sexo talk is an essential form of conversation between couples about sexuality. By discussing your needs and desires with one another, sexo talk allows couples to build intimacy within the bedroom setting.

Success when engaging in sexual talk lies in understanding your partner’s likes and dislikes; once this information is known, using provocative language and phrases will become easier to do.

You could, for instance, use words that make them feel horny (such as’sexo’) or those which spark interest (such as’love making’). Or try using irresistibly sensual and seductive terms (such as 'honey’ or hot).

Text messages can also be a way of creating tension between you and your partner, especially if you’re involved in long-distance relationships and text each other at various times of day. Be sure to send something that will get them in the mood for physical intimacy later.

Studies by Texas Tech University revealed that sexting can be an effective means for partners to deepen intimacy even if they live far apart, express affection and feelings of love, or ease anxiety.

However, before engaging in sexual conversations with your partner, always seek their consent first. Without it, you may be invading their privacy and should cease immediately sexting them. If this causes worry for either of you, consider seeking guidance and support from a relationship coach; they may offer guidance as to how best handle these types of discussions without inflicting damage or discomfort to either partner.



