Movies and Videos For Every Occasion

movies videos

No matter your mood – laughter, thrills or classic capers – our movies and videos offer something for everyone! From recent releases to timeless classics, there’s sure to be something here that tickles your fancy.

Francis Ford Coppola’s classic war movie receives an updated look starring Marlon Brando as Colonel Kurtz.


Comedy is an entertaining genre with the goal of making people laugh, typically through visual gags, slapstick and clever dialogue. Comedy also often involves identity reversals and fast-paced, unlikely plotlines that often feature identity reversals and fast-paced plot twists. Comedy encompasses various subgenres such as gross out films that employ profanity or nudity for maximum comedic effect and mockumentary comedies which combine fictional elements with interview footage for maximum comic effect – making this popular movie genre highly accessible across audiences worldwide!

Movies can not only bring joy and delight to audiences, but they can also offer relief from physical tension and stress. They have the power to relax your muscles for up to 45 minutes after viewing a film has ended; furthermore, watching comedy movies may offer hope when times seem hopeless; so if you need something to cheer yourself up when feeling down.

No matter your taste in movies, whether romantic comedy or action movie, YouTube offers some amazing full-length comedy movies for free that will leave you laughing out loud! From romantic comedies to action flicks, YouTube offers something that will satisfy every joe!

There are several popular YouTube comedy movies including The 40-Year-Old Virgin, 3 Idiots and Napoleon Dynamite starring Jon Heder that offer plenty of laughs if you need something funnier! For instance, this 2008 release about an aimless teenager who decides to help his classmate win their election is sure to make for a good watch!


Drama films typically feature serious settings and plots, and typically incorporate elements of more than one genre; the predominant genre will usually shape both its storyline and characters. Dramas typically deal with social issues or ills such as racism, religious intolerance, drug addiction, mental illness or poverty while they may also feature war, political unrest and class divides and sexual inequality as focal themes.


Documentary movies depict real events taking place around the world, usually shot on location with narration provided by someone not featured in the film itself. Documentaries offer an educational way of learning about an event or person.

Documentaries have grown increasingly popular over time. This could be linked to audiences’ rising desire for authentic storytelling; unlike overproduced superhero blockbusters, documentaries feature strong narrative presentation and can educate viewers on a specific subject matter. Documentary movies can be found across many streaming services like YouTube; whether you prefer breathtaking nature documentaries or political thrillers there’s sure to be something there for you!

Documentaries come in all forms, but most commonly take the form of nonfiction films with an objective point of view. Expository documentaries often employ archive footage and photographs paired with authoritative narration – Ken Burns films about Civil War, Jazz, and Great Depression are prime examples of this style of documentary filmmaking.

Performative and participatory documentaries also exist; these movies utilize interviews and personal accounts of subjects in order to reveal an in-depth truth about an issue or event, often including appearances by the filmmaker herself as they interact with his subject(s). Dziga Vertov pioneered this style with Man with a Movie Camera (1926), while La Hora de los Hornos (The Hour of Furnaces, 1968).

Documentary film is an intricate genre with a long tradition, as its practitioners debate the best methods of depicting reality on screen – from Robert Flaherty’s ethnographic masterpiece Nanook of the North to Francis Ford Coppola’s Vietnam War epic Apocalypse Now.


Romantic movies are a must for those looking for an escape into the world of romance. Romance films tend to be less comedic than others and focus on romantic ideals like true love being able to overcome most obstacles. From classics such as When Harry Met Sally to more recent flicks such as Crazy Rich Asians or To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before trilogy installments – there’s no shortage of romantic films out there waiting to be watched!

As well as romantic comedies, there are also plenty of more dramatic romance films. These movies tend to take place during historical periods with emotionally-driven storylines – Gone with the Wind, Titanic and Doctor Zhivago are among myriad examples; others combine romance with action scenes such as Hunger Games: Catching Fire; The Quiet Man or Mr & Mrs Smith.

Animation movies have also grown increasingly popular as romantic entertainment options, and one excellent example of this genre is Beauty and the Beast – featuring two princes who fall deeply in love with one another.

As well as more traditional romantic comedies, there are also romantic comedies tailored towards young audiences. These films often star acclaimed actors known for their comedic skills – Anna Faris is well known for her roles in Scary Movie and Vacation series of movies; one of her more recent romantic comedies features her as an employee seeking revenge against an arrogant boss in Overboard.


Music can have a powerful emotional effect on movie audiences, from conveying characters’ mental states to forging an emotional bond between viewer and character. Selecting appropriate music for movie videos is crucial in reaching this goal; driving rhythms may work to move plot forward more efficiently while long, soaring notes that highlight scenes’ emotional intensity will have far greater of an effect on audiences.

Music used in movie videos should be non-diegetic, meaning that its sound does not originate within the story, but is rather used to enhance its mood or emotion. This form of music is commonly known as an incidental score and may also include dialogue or sound effects as accompaniment. Leitmotifs (specific musical themes for characters or locations) may also feature within an incidental score.

If you want to use music in your video project, you will require permission from its rights holders. This may be accomplished either through pay-per-use deals or sync licenses which permit unrestricted usage for a specified amount of time. Typically this involves sending out the song to various production companies and freelance directors who compete by submitting treatment sheets containing their proposed treatment for consideration.



