If you’re struggling with a porn addiction, there are steps you can take to help yourself stop. If you’re the partner of someone who uses porn, these suggestions will help manage it and maintain the relationship in healthy ways.
Before watching porn videos or opening magazines with a roommate, be sure to check in with them first and make sure they are not home. Doing this can be an embarrassing experience and you don’t want to get caught watching porn on your phone!
1. Listen to Music
While watching porn, it can be tempting to listen to your favorite music. Unfortunately, doing so may make it more difficult to focus on the video that is being viewed.
It can also lead you to lose track of what’s going on around you. For instance, if you’re listening to your favorite song and your partner enters the room, you may not notice them right away due to being focused solely on the music and not what’s occurring in the scene you are watching.
It can be especially annoying if you’re trying to focus on a certain part of the scene while listening to an actor’s voice over all of the music.
Instead of listening to heavy metal music while watching porn videos, why not try something lighter and fun like rock or hip-hop?
Another option is to listen to music that elicits strong emotional reactions, like jazz or blues. This will help you remain calm and focus on the scene you are watching.
Furthermore, listening to music that evocatively conveys feelings can make you more connected with the person watching porn video with. This will allow for a greater appreciation of the scene itself.
You could also listen to music that’s more upbeat and thrilling, such as pop or dance music. This will help keep your attention focused on the scene you’re watching while distracting you from any erotic content in the video.
Whatever type of music you listen to, it’s essential to remember that porn is not healthy for your sexual life. This bad habit can lead to sexual dysfunction and addiction as well as affect hormones in the body and raise risks for heart disease, high blood pressure and other health complications. That is why cutting back on porn habits is so important.
2. Talk to Someone
Talking about pornography can be awkward for both parties involved, but it’s essential to keep the conversation civil. It can be an excellent opportunity for couples to get closer and also allows each of you to establish some boundaries and explore your own feelings regarding sex and intimacy.
Finally, remember that as the dominant partner in your relationship, it’s your responsibility to find a solution that benefits both of you. If you feel uncomfortable about your partner’s views on porn, discuss it openly and arrange an exclusive time for private discussion.
When discussing porn with your partner, it’s essential to be open and honest with them. This is especially true if their viewing has become out of control and negatively affecting the relationship.
If you’re uncertain how to begin the conversation, seek the assistance of a mental health professional who can assist in diagnosing what the issue is. A therapist will have the capacity to manage your negative emotions and craft an action plan that addresses all relevant points.
Talking to a therapist can be extremely beneficial as you’ll be able to express your worries and receive validation from another individual. This can be an enormous source of comfort, potentially leading to resolution.
Couples therapy can be incredibly helpful. A therapist specializing in couples therapy will be able to guide you through your emotions, discuss what matters to you about porn, and work towards an agreement that is satisfying for both of you.
Your therapist can assist in deciphering the causes of your partner’s porn addiction and creating an action plan to address them. This may include dealing with any personal issues related to porn, such as anxiety or depression.
It’s essential to remember that porn addiction has nothing to do with your partner’s physical attractiveness. This is an entirely separate issue which needs to be addressed if you want a healthy, contented relationship.
3. Take a Bath
Porn is an entertaining, safe and straightforward way to satisfy sexual desires. However, watching too much pornography can have detrimental effects on both your body and mind – so be careful not to become addicted!
One of the best ways to prevent yourself from becoming addicted to porn is by spending less time watching it. Additionally, try finding other activities to fill your time when you feel compelled to watch porn videos.
For instance, you can attempt to connect with people by going out to different bars, clubs or restaurants. Exercise also plays a role; take a walk or hit the gym to get your blood pumping and release some stress.
Another good option is taking a bath. This can be an excellent way to unwind and de-stress after watching porn videos.
When taking a bath, it’s wise to use the same technique you would when taking a shower. If your tub has a jetted seat, use a sponge and scrub it down for extra cleanliness.
By doing this, the pores of your skin will open and you’ll feel more relaxed as you put on clothes and get ready for the video. You may also apply lotion to lubricate yourself before beginning filming.
When recording a video, it is best to wear comfortable clothes that allow you to move around easily and have fun while doing it. Furthermore, dress in an attractive manner that gives off confidence and charm.
Finally, make time to spend time with God. It is imperative that you avoid engaging in pornography since it is considered a sin.
As a Christian, it’s critical that you stop engaging in this sin. Additionally, spend more time reading your Bible and praying – this will help take your mind away from porn and focus on what truly matters in life.
4. Do Something Else
Struthers suggests that when you feel triggered by porn, doing something else can help push the urge from your mind to your body and give yourself time to consider why this need for porn exists and what your goals are.
If you’re trying to stay away from porn, consider joining a support group. These spaces provide an accepting and nonjudgmental space for people to share their struggles without judgement or condemnation.
Talking with others can help you better comprehend why you’re feeling triggered, making it simpler to deal with those feelings and develop coping mechanisms that will eventually stop using porn for good.
Strive to replace watching porn with activities you enjoy. This can be an effective way to fill your time and stay motivated in breaking your habit of watching porn.
Instead of watching porn, why not read a book or watch a movie. You could also play games or construct a model airplane.
Another option is to visit a tourist attraction in your town. This can be an enjoyable way to get out and discover the area around you. You could even take pictures or write a poem about it and display them proudly in your room.
Giving yourself a fresh view of your hometown and distracting yourself from thoughts of porn can give you an entirely new perspective on life. Additionally, getting involved in your community and meeting new people can be a fun way to expand your social circle.
When you’re feeling the effects of porn, it’s essential to seek a healthy alternative that doesn’t harm yourself or those closest to you. While this may be challenging at first, taking this step is necessary for maintaining your mental wellbeing.
It’s essential to consider the value you place on porn. This could be for religious or ethical reasons, such as wanting to be a better role model for your kids or being concerned with how it negatively affects other people’s lives.
It’s essential to recognize that this is a journey and you may make mistakes along the way. Be kind and patient with yourself; remember, progress takes time! Keep encouraging yourself that with hard work you will reach your goal!