We’ve crunched billions of data points to identify the most popular porn videos. And we’ve created an easy-to-navigate list to help you find the best ones.
Pornography as an industry is fraught with controversy. But as more people seek out information about sexual practices, its popularity is only set to increase.
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Featured videos are just as much a part of the Pornhub experience as their popular counterparts. They’re an excellent platform for performers to get their names out there and show off their skillset in an entertaining manner. These selections usually consist of the top rated and most popular content on the site, chosen by an algorithm that selects videos based on rating and views.
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These pornstars are the hottest on the market, and they’re all featured in these must-watch movies. Enjoy watching Lana Rhodes get sultry with her hot dick or Maitland Ward get gangbangted by two tattooed men!
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