Porn can be a great way to satisfy your desire for sex. But it also has the potential to become an outlet for boredom and addiction.
Instead of turning to porn, there are plenty of other ways you can achieve the same high and avoid developing an unhealthy habit. We’ve curated the best alternatives to porn videos so that you can spend your time on something more meaningful and rewarding.
1. Set the Lights
When creating porn like porn videos, it’s essential that the lighting is correct. A lack of illumination can significantly degrade a porn video’s quality, giving off an amateurish impression.
For most cameras, the basic lighting technique is known as „Three-Point Lighting,” which utilizes a Key Light, Fill Light and Back Light. While this works great for „single interview” types of shooting, it can be challenging to achieve pleasing results when used in pornographic scenes.
One of the greatest issues with this type of lighting is that it can create harsh shadows and hot spots. To combat this issue, try using a „Sungun” – an inexpensive, portable light that can be held above your camera for close up shots.
Another tip is to use color-correct gels on your lights so they appear more natural. This will help avoid the issue of a porn video appearing too „bright.”
Finally, always remember to discuss all details before shooting a video. Doing so will help you create the most successful porn like videos and guarantee everyone is on the same page.
By creating a plan ahead of time, not only will you get quality footage but it also makes both of you more comfortable and relaxed during the shoot – especially if this is your first time filming homemade porn together. Take some time to sketch out an initial storyboard or have some ideas for what the final product should look and feel like; also it helps clarify which equipment works best for your needs and builds excitement around the project as a whole!
2. Get Dressed
Porn like porn videos can be incredibly enjoyable, especially with your partner. It can even serve as an opportunity for both of you to get closer together by selecting the appropriate genre or fantasy for each other. But make sure both of you feel comfortable with the experience before beginning it.
Watching pornography can easily get you triggered, leading to decisions that don’t align with your values. When this occurs, take a break from the computer and engage in something else for a distraction.
If you’re not sure what to do, here are some ideas:
1. Journal: Writing down emotions and thoughts can be an effective way to process them. Additionally, it helps you think more clearly about what you want, as well as remind yourself why it was initially difficult for you to avoid porn.
2. Visit a Tourist Attraction: Getting out of the house and exploring your town can be an incredibly enjoyable experience. Discovering new things you might have never noticed before is exciting, and it can be highly rewarding at the same time!
3. Watch a Porn Act Similar to You: Watching someone of your same gender engage in sexual acts can be an affirming and healthy experience, especially if it’s something new for you.
4. Switch Up the Genre You Watch: After watching the same type of porn for some time, it can become easy to get bored with it. That is why it is beneficial to switch up your genre selection occasionally.
5. Find a Porn Production Company That Treats Their Performers Ethically: This is an essential factor, since it helps create authentic erotic content.
3. Show Your Full Body
Showing off your full sexy tummy can be intimidating, but there are ways to increase the satisfaction factor and have more fun in the bedroom! We’re here for help with our top ten tips to get you on track: firstly, be open-minded about potential partners; secondly, be confident when asking questions that matter!
4. Record in HD
Porn video footage can seem intimidating at first, but it’s wise to start small with five-minute or two clips. From there, you can work your way up towards longer and more explicit videos as you become more comfortable with them.
Starting HD recordings is a great idea if you have an HD camera or smartphone, as they take up less space and are more viewable for viewers. But first you must test out the settings on your device and ensure there’s enough space on it for recording.
High-quality video can be much more enjoyable to watch than something that’s too grainy or has dead space when you move your body, plus it looks more professional. Just be aware that larger files take longer to upload onto cloud sharing sites or the web.
Another thing to keep in mind is that much of what is online can be violent and unrealistic, so it’s essential to discuss your boundaries before beginning. Fortunately, there are many ethical porn production companies available which will assist in finding something suitable for you.
Before you begin filming, it’s wise to tidy up your room or workspace. Doing so prevents the camera from picking up on any noises in the background and allows for greater concentration on what you’re doing.
Once you’ve shot your initial clips, take the time to edit them into something more polished-looking. Be sure to delete any parts that don’t excite you and eliminate any jerky shots or awkward angles. You can also add some minor editing in order to reduce facial hair or nose hair growth as well as eliminate some dead space.
5. Have Fun
If you’re going to be having sex on camera, make sure you enjoy yourself. Doing so can be nerve-wracking if this is your first time exposing private parts to the world. But having fun doesn’t have to be difficult when you know how. Luckily, having fun can be effortless once you know how to do it correctly.
One of the best ways to have fun watching porn videos with your significant other is by selecting a genre or fantasy you both enjoy watching. Additionally, make sure both of you feel comfortable while watching it together. Whether it’s on DVD, video or magazine, make sure you scan through content to find parts that interest you both.
Filming with a camera can be distracting, especially if you’re moving it or fiddling with settings. This interrupts your arousal and causes you to lose focus on the scene at hand. To get the best results, ignore the camera and just focus on your partner during intimate moments. Remember this is an opportunity to record some of life’s wildest moments as well as create great memories that you can look back on fondly in years to come.