As you and your partner become more at ease watching porn together, there are a few ways to make the experience even more thrilling.
Start by discussing what both of you enjoy. Doing this will give you a good idea of what each other would enjoy watching together, according to Rain DeGrey.
1. Be Prepared
If you are watching porn videos alone or with your partner, it is essential to know how to maximize the experience. This may include prepping for the occasion, setting safety measures, and making sure everyone has fun.
When watching porn with your partner, it’s essential to discuss what types of content you both prefer. Doing this helps both of you avoid viewing something offensive or not fitting with what the two of you are interested in.
Talking with your partner about their own preferences can help you gain a better insight into their world and be an encouraging support. Additionally, this could be an opportunity to discuss ways in which you can assist them with overcoming their addiction to pornographic media.
Watching pornography can be an excellent way to accept and celebrate your sexuality, especially when watching videos featuring people with various body types. This serves as a helpful reminder that you are not alone and everyone has unique features which should be celebrated.
It can also be an excellent way to normalize sex with your partner, allowing both of you to experience more intense orgasms. This is particularly beneficial for women who may struggle with getting aroused or experiencing intense orgasms with their partners.
When you find yourself being triggered by porn, try to distract yourself with something else. It could be as easy as doing something outside of the house or taking up a new hobby.
One effective way to combat triggering urges is by surrounding yourself with godly things. This will help guard against Satan’s temptation to fill your mind with images of sinful content, leaving you vulnerable to Satan’s manipulation of emotions through porn.
For instance, if you find yourself feeling triggered by porn, instead of spending 30 minutes watching it, try spending those same 30 minutes doing something that makes you more like God: praying, reading your Bible or engaging in meditation.
Consider asking someone you trust to serve as an accountability partner, which can be an excellent way to hold yourself accountable for your choices and get support from those who share the same concern about porn!
2. Have Fun
It’s essential to have fun while watching porn videos. Not only will this allow you and your significant other to appreciate the experience more thoroughly, but it may also allow for some exciting discoveries within this sultry medium.
Though not everyone will get the same level of euphoria as watching an old-school sex movie, there are ways to make the experience more thrilling and enjoyable for both of you.
Get some friends together and watch some of your favorite movies (not full-length sex films, just some). You could pick out the top ones on your list to share with everyone, or even ask them to be judges by voting for which one they think is the best!
Additionally, you should strive to find a way to engage with your partner while watching videos or listening on the radio. You can do this in various ways but one that works well is making an agreement to talk about what you’re watching together while doing so.
The great thing about this gimmick is that it can be done safely and will ensure you and your partner have a wonderful time together. Just make sure you have an action plan, so it doesn’t become an obsession in your life.
3. Be Honest
One of the most essential things you can do when watching porn videos is being honest. Whether you watch it alone or with someone else, being truthful about your feelings and thoughts regarding the content will help ensure a more enjoyable viewing experience.
Talking about this issue with your partner can help you come to a decision that’s best for both of you and your relationship. It also allows for understanding each other’s opinions on the matter as well.
When watching content with a partner, make sure to discuss the fact that both of you must set boundaries around what type of material is appropriate for both of you to watch together. This could be something as basic as saying, „I don’t enjoy porn that’s violent and misogynistic,” or something more specific like that.
Once you’ve defined your boundaries, devise a strategy with your partner on finding erotic content that is both safe and enjoyable. Start by searching out queer-inclusive websites that emphasize high production value, chemistry between performers, and intimate interactions such as kissing or sensual touch.
Next, create a playlist with various types of videos so that both of you are satisfied when viewing porn together. Doing this will guarantee both of you are contented and contented when watching videos as a couple.
Finally, Vanessa Marin – licensed sex therapist – recommends being open to trying out different sex acts with your partner. Doing so can help you both feel more comfortable with their sexuality and provide an opportunity for both of you to try something new together.
Adopting the habit of trying something new can be intimidating, but it is an integral part of developing healthy relationships. In fact, many people find that simply doing something different has therapeutic effects.
4. Be Safe
When watching porn videos to get in the mood for a date or just wanting some sexy fun, it’s essential to stay safe. The Internet is full of porn and there are numerous ways to access it; however, if you’re not careful you could end up downloading viruses or falling prey to phishing scams.
The internet can be a dangerous place, and it’s easy to get caught in the temptation of visiting pornographic sites without realizing it. Utilizing a reliable VPN service will help keep you safer online by masking your location and stopping personal information from being shared on adult sites.
If you have any worries about what you’re watching, don’t be afraid to seek advice from those close to you – whether that be your significant other, a trusted friend, or family member. Sharing your experience will make you more at ease and may even enable you to decide if it is time to stop watching porn.
It is essential to discuss any worries with a sexual health professional or certified sex therapist, who can help you explore your feelings and beliefs regarding sex. They will be able to detect any underlying issues and devise strategies for managing them effectively.
Research has demonstrated that pornographic media can have an impact on people’s attitudes toward rape and sexual violence. One study revealed that men who watched pornography were more likely to believe myths about rape than non-porn users.
Watching pornography can have numerous negative consequences, such as body dysmorphia and low self-esteem. It may create unrealistic expectations about what 'normal’ sexual life should look like, which could ultimately prove detrimental to a relationship.
Breaking away from porn can be a great way to clear your mind and find balance in life. It also gives you an opportunity to reflect on what matters most to you and how you want to live it.
If you’re feeling lost in your relationships or friendships, consider talking to a counselor. They can assist in working through any underlying issues which might be contributing to your porn use and giving you the tools needed for lasting improvements in your life.