No matter if you’re watching porn with someone special or not, creating the ideal environment can make watching more enjoyable. Here are some tips on what you should do when watching videos like Porn Like Porn that will prevent you from getting triggered and feeling the urge to watch more content.
Enjoying time with your partner is always ideal, but even if you don’t feel inclined to engage in physical contact, there are still ways to engage your senses and find something satisfying for both of you.
1. Turn off the lights
When watching porn videos with your partner, there are a few things you should take into consideration. These tips should help both of you enjoy the experience and get the most out of it!
Before beginning a video project, it’s wise to set realistic expectations. Before beginning any new video, have an objective in mind such as sexual satisfaction with your partner; then look for content with plenty of sensual and passionate moments.
Next, take some deep breaths and let yourself relax. Doing this will help focus your brain on what you’re watching rather than worrying whether the content is sexualized or not.
Take a moment to consider why you are watching porn. It could be as an outlet for emotional and spiritual release, an escape from reality or simply an outlet to vent anger and frustration.
It’s essential to recognize your emotions and why they may be driving you towards watching porn. Understanding the source of your obsession will enable you to make healthier decisions.
Finally, it’s essential to remember that pornography is detrimental to both your relationship and wellbeing. It can foster unhealthy expectations which in turn leads to unhealthy interactions and behaviors – including sexual addiction.
If you’re not sure how to approach your partner about their porn use, there are a number of resources available. Covenant Eyes is one such example; this service allows users to receive weekly reports about which sites they visit and searches they make, helping both of you keep tabs on online activity and follow up when needed.
2. Listen to music
Porn videos often include music to set the mood for watching. The music may also serve to remind you of what to feel while watching, so that your own thoughts or emotions about what is being shown don’t distract you while watching.
Music can distract viewers from the content of a video, particularly those who struggle to focus on something and may be tempted to turn it off while listening to a song.
One of the most common mistakes people make when watching porn is leaving their music on. This may be an easy way to avoid watching the video, but it could also have negative repercussions.
Music can often mask the presence of someone standing behind you, eager to watch you masturbate. This is because audio in a porn video tends to be louder than its soundtrack, making it difficult to discern if someone is looking at you.
Another reason to avoid listening to music while watching a porn video is that you might end up listening to an explicit track. Many services such as Spotify and Amazon Unlimited have content filters in place, but it’s still essential to be aware of what’s on the platform since there are still loopholes which allow porn content to continue appearing in search results.
It’s easy to fall into the mindset that pornography is harmless, when in reality it can have serious negative consequences. It may lead to feelings of shame and loneliness, making you feel unworthy. Additionally, pornography often fosters cynical views on love and relationships in general.
3. Take a bath or shower
When watching porn video, there are many ways to help you relax. Take a bath or shower, watch some TV, listen to music, and more for some me-time!
You can also take this time to pray and seek God’s guidance in your life. Prayer can be an effective tool in resisting temptation. Additionally, joining a small group or study offers fellowship with other Christians striving to live a sanctified lifestyle.
Another way to relax is reading a book. Additionally, getting out of the house and doing something fun will help you unwind.
Reading a book not only helps you unwind, but it can also educate you about other cultures and religions. This will give you a unique view of the world which could be beneficial to your spiritual growth.
Maintaining a spiritual life can make all the difference in resisting temptation. You’ll gain inspiration and guidance from others, which will keep you on the right path when it comes to changing bad habits.
If you are in a relationship, it is essential to be honest with your partner about what you watch. Doing this will make the bond stronger and healthier between both of you.
It is also beneficial to know when to stop watching porn. Too much exposure can have an adverse effect on your sexual health, so make sure that you limit the time you spend viewing this content.
Watching a pornographic video can be tempting to join in the scene and attempt some of the sex acts shown. While this could be fun for you and your partner, it is not recommended. Doing so could lead to unhealthy sex relationships and develop into an unhealthy habit.
4. Get a drink of water
Water is one of the most essential activities you can do while watching porn like porn videos. Not only does it keep you hydrated, but also helps sanitize the film by keeping it free from chemicals.
It is critical to maintain sanitation during filming, as not doing so can lead to unpleasant odours during the shoot. So make sure you are well hydrated prior to beginning shooting.
To stay hydrated during a shoot, bring along a portable water bottle. This way you can drink glasses of water throughout the duration. Alternatively, Pedialyte, an electrolyte-filled rehydration drink, can also help you stay hydrated throughout the shoot.
If you find yourself thinking about porn before other matters in life, this could be indicative of a problem with porn addiction. If this is the case for you, professional help may be necessary for recovery.
Another thing to watch out for is whether or not you are using pornography as an outlet to avoid negative feelings. This is a common habit among addicts to porn and it can be challenging to break, but it is necessary if one wants to achieve lasting change.
Do some introspection to uncover what is causing you distress in regards to how you are feeling. This will be the first step in breaking free of bad habits related to porn viewing that have developed over time.
Journaling or speaking to someone close to you can be helpful. Joining a support group where you can discuss your struggles with porn and find support from others who have had similar issues in the past is also beneficial. It helps remind yourself that you are not alone and other people have experienced similar struggles before.
5. Take a walk
Porn videos, particularly pornograph videos, can be quite lengthy; so be sure to fast forward through them so you can find the parts you want to see.
It may also be beneficial to explore various videos, DVDs or magazines until you find something enjoyable to watch. Doing this allows for time for relaxation without feeling compelled to reach for orgasm.
Another option is creating your own erotica. For instance, you could concoct a romance between yourself and another person or group of people. It can be fun to try to replicate some common dynamics found in porn videos such as boss/secretary, fitness trainer/client, landlord/tenant, real estate agent/buyer, massage therapist/client, affair or maintenance house call.
Allow your imagination to run wild and have some fun while filming, but remember to focus on you and the experience. It can be easy to get distracted by the arousal that occurs while filming, especially if you’re trying to adjust settings or focus on the camera.
When browsing porn on a smartphone, be mindful that it’s easy to get caught. To protect yourself, it’s essential to hide your browser history and encrypt any private files on either your phone or computer.
While you’re doing this, it’s wise to put your phone on silent mode so no one can hear you. Additionally, this will help prevent people from walking in on you when viewing pornographic material.
When you feel the urge to watch porn, take some time out of your day to clear your head by taking a walk around the block or doing something else outside of your house. This will help relieve some of the stress that comes from thinking about porn.