How to Get People to Like Porn Videos

How To Get People To Like Porn Like Porn Videos

Porn is an increasingly popular and enjoyable way to satisfy sexual desires, suitable for both single people and couples alike.

According to a 2021 study, people watch porn for various reasons. Many do it to fulfill their sexual desires that cannot be satisfied in real life.

1. Make It Fun

Though it can be challenging to resist porn, there are ways you can stop yourself from watching it. The first step is figuring out what you actually want to do when triggered.

Boredom can be a powerful motivator, so having something else to focus on makes it easier to say no when faced with pornographic temptation. Find an activity you enjoy and dedicate some time towards it whenever you feel the urge to indulge in some harmless browsing.

Another solution is to watch a movie together or begin a new TV series. This will give you an hour or two to focus on something other than porn, which may help combat the trigger that started it all in the first place.

Couples, Maas suggests, may find sex videos to be an empowering way to share some intimacy with their significant other in a secure space. She adds that these types of activities help you connect and create deeper bonds than simply watching television shows together could foster.

Marin emphasizes the importance of planning ahead for a positive experience for both of you. This could include discussing boundaries and motivations before hitting record, using an easy word to stop recording, or making a written list with specific instructions on what each of you will do and why. With these steps taken beforehand, making pornography more intimate and enjoyable for both of you will be much smoother.

Finally, if you own either a smartphone or laptop, try using them instead of tablets when filming your porn. On smaller screens it can be harder to see what you’re doing and select what to watch; having everything displayed larger will help both of you become more immersed in the experience.

2. Make It Personal

Porn can be an intense coping mechanism for those feeling lonely, stressed, and anxious. Unfortunately, it often serves as a destructive way to escape reality.

It can also be an unhealthy coping mechanism for those who have been hurt or betrayed by their loved ones. It may lead to betrayal trauma, depression, anxiety, and distrust in the individual.

Therefore, it’s essential to identify the issue before trying to solve it. This is especially pertinent if you’re in a relationship with someone who has an issue with pornography.

You don’t want to take it personally, but you also don’t want them to feel abandoned without trying. By creating a safe space for them, they may feel more inclined to open up to you in the future.

One of the best ways to accomplish this is through conversation. This is an ideal time for setting boundaries and discussing why you’re creating this video together.

Establishing trust through getting to know each other better can be invaluable later on. Furthermore, it provides insight into what type of content your partner enjoys most.

Before recording the video, it’s wise to set up the camera and screen beforehand. This will give you some time to plan how you’ll collaborate on the project as well as what gear is necessary. Doing this beforehand makes everything much smoother for both of you and results in a more cohesive product when finished.

3. Make It Easy

Pornography has become an integral part of our digital lives, offering easy access to any kind of adult-oriented content with just a click. Unfortunately, this has made it more tempting for some individuals to develop an addiction to pornography which could negatively impact their wellbeing and relationships.

Similar to any addiction, pornography can trigger a dopamine response in your brain that leads to cravings for more. If you find yourself feeling triggered, take time out of watching porn and focus on why you want to watch it instead of giving into temptation. This will give yourself time to consider why watching pornographic material appeals to you and prevent temptation from taking hold.

Another way to distract yourself is by selecting an activity you truly enjoy. It could be something new like playing a sport or taking a class – anything goes!

You could also pursue a hobby you have always wanted to learn more about, such as painting or writing. Whatever you decide to do, do it with the intention that it will bring joy into your life.

Additionally, surrounding yourself with positive people who support and motivate you can be a great way to fight the urge to look at porn. Doing this may boost your self-confidence and motivate you to stick with healthy lifestyle changes.

One of the best ways to combat this issue is talking with someone. There are plenty of resources and people who can offer support as you strive to overcome your porn addiction.

For instance, Fight the New Drug provides free resources and motivation to stop viewing porn. You can also explore books and personal accounts written by individuals who have had similar struggles.

4. Make It Interesting

When it comes to porn, there are plenty of ways you can get people to like your videos. Some methods are straightforward while others require more creativity from you.

One of the best ways to make pornographic material appealing for viewers is by providing them with compelling video content. This can be accomplished easily when providing appropriate material.

First and foremost, ensure your video is of high quality. This will enable it to be viewed on larger screens and load faster for viewers’ enjoyment.

Once you’ve selected the quality of your video, you can begin filming. You can do this using either a camera or even your phone. For better results, use a tripod to hold the camera steady while taking shots.

Another way to make your video interesting is by adding humor. This can be an effective way to break the ice and get people talking.

It can also serve to get people excited about what’s coming up next and demonstrate your creative side.

Enjoying yourself is essential here, so take your time and relax during filming.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different perspectives when brainstorming ideas with your partner. It can be an enjoyable way to discover what interests both of you most.

You can also ask your partner what they think of the content you’re watching. This will give both of you an opportunity to understand each other’s interests and help find something enjoyable for both of you.

5. Make It Easy To Share

The internet has provided us with endless entertainment and distractions to keep our minds occupied. Unfortunately, it has also created a gateway for pornography.

Viewing pornography may seem like a harmless way to relax at the end of a long day, but it quickly leads to boredom and an appetite for more. While quitting may be challenging, there are steps you can take that will make the transition smoother.

1. Eliminate all porn material. This includes deleting porn websites from computers, smartphones and other devices as well as setting filters on social media accounts.

2. Discuss boundaries with your partner.

Whether sharing porn with a best friend or spouse, discussing expectations is crucial for both of you. Doing this allows both of you to recognize when something is or isn’t acceptable.

3. Utilize an app to simplify your search.

Many people struggle with online searching, but apps like Reddit make it effortless. Their powerful search tools enable you to locate exactly the video that meets all of your requirements with ease.

4. Establish an accountability system to monitor your porn activity.

Having an accountability partner can be helpful when trying to break the habit. Covenant Eyes offers software that enables your accountability partner to report weekly on sites visited, searches made, as well as follow up on online habits. This software makes it easy for someone to stay accountable during difficult times.

5. Be mindful of your surroundings.

When watching porn, always ensure you have privacy. Lock the doors, shut the blinds and double-check to see if anyone is home before beginning. If you have a roommate, remind them to be extra watchful in their room as well.



